Using Potentials

The first days of young animals’ life set the basic for its healthy and productive adulthood:

Insufficient nutrient supply or the occurrence of diseases during the rearing phase both lower the performance of the adult animals and increase the risk of health problems and early culling. This was shown by numerous studies. Therefore, nothing should be left to chance during the rearing phase.

Mainly disease prevention plays an important role in successful rearing phase. Especially diarrheal diseases in the first days of life reduce the development of young animals. It is recommended to build on high resistance and immunity of offspring directly from the beginning, to strengthen their defense against diarrhea causing pathogens. Strict farm hygiene must be maintained to prevent diarrheal diseases. Animals suffering from acute diarrhea must be immediately provided with sufficient electrolytes, buffer substances and energy to prevent their dehydration and the negative consequences thereof.

To support young animals during this critical phase, MIAVIT has developed the product MiaFirstAid L. It is a complementary feed with a combination of flavorings and tannins to stabilize the water- and electrolyte-metabolism as well as the physiological digestion.

In collaboration with Nong Lam University in Vietnam, MiaFirstAid L was tested in a field trial to evaluate the efficacy and potential of antibiotic reduction in suckling piglets compared to antibiotic treatment.

A total of 484 suckling piglets from 40 litters were assigned in control and trial group and all litters showed cases of diarrhea in suckling piglets (probably caused by loads of E. coli and C. perfringens). The trial group received an oral administration of 2 ml MiaFirstAid L (1 or 2 treatments). The control group received an oral administration of 0,5 ml antibiotic (20 mg Gentamicin) two times a day for three to four days.

The development of the fecal consistency in both groups showed a similar course, which leads to the conclusion that MiaFirstAid L is an effective alternative against diarrhea in suckling piglets. Pool-sampling of the feces showed no statistical differences between the trial-groups, which indicates similar conditions in terms of pathogen loads. The diarrhea incidence was significantly lower in the trial group with MiaFirstAid L, which confirms a faster stabilization of the physiological digestion. Moreover, the frequency of treatments was strongly reduced with MiaFirstAid L, which makes it easy to use and saves working time.

In lambs, MiaFirstAid L was also tested with high success and efficacy under the supervision of a sheep nutritionist. A trial was conducted on two different farms in the Epirus region in Greece.

The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of MiaFirstAid L against diarrhea in lambs. On both farms, 4 ml MiaFirstAid L were administered directly orally to the lambs in combination with coccidiostats and cryptosporidium treatment.

On the first farm, 60 lambs recovered from diarrhea after 1-2 doses. On the second farm, however, 80 lambs needed 2-3 doses to recover due to transport stress to another part of the stable. In total 140 lambs recovered from acute diarrhea after an average of 2 doses (1,96) of MiaFirstAid L.

In summary, it must be said that raising young animals successfully is not a matter of chance! Therefore, make optimal use of the potentials of the rearing phase and support efficient during disease times. This will not only optimize the well-being and health of your herd. It will also help to improve performance and thus your economic success.

Also remind yourself about out interesting Podcast-Episodes! In our episode “Young stock management – Raising potential” Dr. Joachim Lübbo Kleen, practical veterinarian and expert in young animals, shares his experiences in raising up newborn calves with us.

Are you looking for innovative and solution-oriented products to optimize your portfolio around young animal rearing? Then talk to your MIAVIT contact now.

 MiaFirstAid L